Nokia Retro Mobile Operating System

Welcome to our website! You can download our mobile operating system called NRMOS. It's an improved version of the operating system which used to run on the old mobile phones Nokia 3310 (2000).
We added a lot of cool functions to the old Nokia 3310 OS.

NRMOS is for FREE!!! Everyone likes when a cool thing is for free. NRMOS is made by a group of volunteers, who do it just for fun, not for money.
Version is currently 1.0. This version came out on July 17, 2014.
NRMOS is currently only in English, but we are planning more languages in the future.

Download NRMOS 1.0!

After downloading NRMOS, open the ZIP archive and run the install.exe file. Follow the instructions which the program displays for you.
Your original mobile OS won't be erased. Upon (re)starting your phone, it will ask you which OS do you want to run.

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